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Rent Pickle Ball Court In Oakville

Experience the Thrill of Pickleball on Our State-of-the-Art Courts - KINGS COURTS Price: Tax Included! Are you ready to embrace the exciting world of Pickleball? At KINGS COURTS, we offer top-notch Pickleball courts that cater to players of all levels and ages. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the ropes or an experienced player seeking a competitive game, our courts provide the ideal setting for this engaging sport. Court Size: 50 feet wide x 90 feet long What is Pickleball? Pickleball is a dynamic and inclusive sport that seamlessly combines elements of tennis and badminton, making it accessible and enjoyable for players of all backgrounds. With straightforward rules that are easy for beginners to grasp, Pickleball offers a fun and active way to stay fit while having a blast on the court. For experienced players, it's an opportunity to showcase your skills and engage in thrilling, competitive matches. Court Availability: Operating Hours: Monday Friday, 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Why Choose KINGS COURTS for Pickleball? Tax Included: Our pricing is transparent, and the listed price includes all applicable taxes. No surprises, just pure Pickleball enjoyment. How to Reserve a Court: Securing your Pickleball court at KINGS COURTS is simple. Contact us to make a reservation and experience the thrill of this fantastic sport. Don't miss out on the opportunity to bond with friends, family, and fellow Pickleball enthusiasts while staying active and having a blast on the court. Ready to step onto the court and experience Pickleball like never before? Join us at KINGS COURTS and elevate your game today!

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Please note: Minimum Booking would be 2 hours.


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